• Topic > Christian Living

    Come Apart

    During a particularly tense period at work, I found that the stress was making it difficult to concentrate. My mind was constantly racing, and I struggled to focus even on Bible study and prayer. I had to learn to deliberately separate and guard my heart from prevailing winds—wherever they came from.

    A Day to Rest

    One Sunday, I stood by the gurgling stream that wends its way through our North London community, delighting in the beauty it brings to our otherwise built-up area. I felt myself relax as I watched the cascading water and listened to the birds chirping. I paused to give the Lord thanks for how He helps us to find rest for our souls.

    The Lord instituted a time of Sabbath—a time for rest and renewal—for His people in the ancient Near East because He wanted them to thrive. As we see in the book of Exodus, He tells them to sow their…

    Fishing for people

    Ask anyone who’s caught a lot of fish, and they’ll tell you that the key to their success is patience. And today on Discover the Word, the team delves deeper into this secret to becoming better at “fishing for people.” It’s part of the series titled “Fishing Tips.” Join us for the exciting conclusion and […]

    Love Them with Me

    In March 2007, I was standing in an Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camp in northern Uganda gazing at hundreds of young refugees who were staring back at me. As I looked into their eyes, saw their malnourished frames, and witnessed their deplorable living conditions, the Holy Spirit filled me in a way I’d never experienced before. I sensed God was telling me, “I love these children. I love them!” And then, it was as if He extended this invitation: “Come love them with me.”

    Sharing our faith in Christ

    Today on Discover the Word, we continue the series titled “Fishing Tips” about sharing our faith in Christ. We’re observing how Jesus draws people to Himself using His favorite “bait.” What is His favorite bait? Find out, and learn why every believer can “go fish” like Jesus, by joining us right here on Discover the […]

    Imitate My Father

    The idea of immigrants competing with locals for jobs is a political hot potato in many countries. Some citizens resent the newcomers because they perceive them as stealing jobs, competing for scarce services, and causing overcrowding. With unfamiliar customs and languages, the immigrants are sometimes accused of disturbing and even threatening the social fabric of the native born. So how should believers in Jesus respond to the aliens living in their midst?

    Making “fishers of men”

    Some people just have the gift of gab. They can talk readily and easily about almost anything with almost anybody! But for many of us, sharing our faith seems daunting. Today on Discover the Word, we’ll share insights on how to get comfortable showing and telling others about our faith. Be inspired by listening today to Discover the Word!

    There is No Shame in Getting Help

    Due to injuries resulting from a major car accident which left me bed-bound, I have ample personal experience knowing that asking for help is not an easy thing to do.

    Could I Say That?

    The perception of favoritism is one of the biggest factors in sibling rivalry,” said Dr. Barbara Howard, a developmental behavioral pediatrician (“When Parents Have a Favorite Child” nytimes.com). An example would be the Old Testament character Joseph, who was his father’s favorite son, which, made his older brothers furious (Gen. 37:3–4). So they sold Joseph to merchants traveling to Egypt and made it appear that a wild animal had killed him (37:12–36). His dreams had been shattered and his future appeared hopeless.

    Yet, along Joseph’s journey of life, he chose to be true to his God and rely on Him even…

    The alien among us

    When you think of “aliens,” you probably picture little green men from far off galaxies or scary creatures in outer space. But today on Discover the Word, the team considers how Jesus calls those who are far off spiritually—aliens—into his family. A different way of thinking about “aliens” when you listen to Discover the Word!

    Mercy’s Saving Call

    What is she thinking? The wedding is one week away! That thought raced through my mind as I worked on my piano music for a marriage ceremony. Though I’d tried for weeks to nail down song titles, keys, and more with the other wedding musician, the silence was deafening.

    One of God’s Great “Don’ts”

    Do not fret— it only causes harm —Psalm 37:8

    Fretting means getting ourselves “out of joint” mentally or spiritually. It is one thing to say, “Do not fret,” but something very different to have …

    “Fishing Tips”

    When Jesus first called His disciples that were in the fishing business, He promised they’d become “fishers of men,” but what does that really mean? Today on Discover the Word, the group kicks off a brand-new series titled, “Fishing Tips.” It’s all about sharing your faith with others and trusting God to do the rest. […]

    Man in the Middle

    I heard a story about a college student who became trapped in a 17-inch space between two buildings. After zigzagging up a fire escape, he planned to jump from one rooftop to another. Instead, he fell into the slim chasm—dropping three stories until he was wedged in the narrow space between the buildings, unable to move. Finally, rescuers bored a hole through one of the buildings and pulled him to safety.

    A Laughing Faith

    I remember where I was sitting in the cramped living room of our apartment when Miska told me she was pregnant with our first son, Wyatt. I must have sat mute for several moments because Miska asked, “Are you okay? What are you thinking?” In theory, I wanted to be a dad someday, but it had seemed like a distant possibility. But here it was . . . I was going to be a dad, and I was dumbstruck.

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